Wednesday, August 15, 2007

VoIP is dead- Long live VoIP!

30 years from now when historians debate the "age of technology", they will have a laundry list of "in" things for 2007. Mash-ups, Web 2.X, social networking, iPhone (and its clones?) just to name a few.

What they are not likely to have on the list is Voice-over-IP. Is VoIP dead already? Au contraire mon ami. VoIP is about to join another list- those initially ultra hyped technologies that take a such a long time to take hold in the market that we don't realize how pervasive they have become. When we look back, we are likely to say that 2007 was when SunRocket came a tumblin' down, Vonage dusted off their MBA degree and adopted profit as their prime reason d'etre, and VoIP, just dissapeared into the dictionary of arcana while most of us were using it to merrily reach out and touch someone. Perhaps its my faded birth certificate or the number of technology life cycles that I have subjected my body to in the valley... Whatever may be source of inspiration for a nom-de guerre I will evetually adopt, I am secretly glad that at last, a cycle that I have been dreaming, marketing, and selling is truly coming of age.

Read more on the adult life of VoIP at

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