Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A new Era at Ditech Networks

Today, Ditech Networks announced that Ed Harper had been appointed interim CEO. Tim Montgomery had taken a sleepy technology shop and morphed it into a $4B high flyer, only to see it hit rock bottom twice. You cannot find a better sales person, or true car aficionado than Tim. I wish him the best in his new life.

Today, Ed spelled out the name of the $3M VoIP customer as Inter-call. Go PVP go, to even larger customers- its your destiny!

Verizon/Qualcomm/Broadcomm- the last temptation

The latest news around the patent dispute between Qualcomm and Broadcom is evolving to be a priceless candidate as a Harvard business case. While I am a personal fan of CDMA and have been a loyal Verizon Wireless mobile customer forever, having to lug two phones when traveling to any other spot around the world was the first source of irritation that cast doubt on my loyalty. My irritation worsens each time I see walls full of GSM phones of innumerable variety at (pick your GSM carrier) outlet while I sulk at the dearth of cool phones at a Verizon or Sprint outlet.

The patent dispute is the last straw... I have been bombarded with upgrade letters, SMS's for $100 off my next locked CDMA phone. I am holding off.... resisting temptation of a shiny phone, even it is one of a handful of models on the rack... While there are silhouettes of iconized fruit glimmering in my eyes, I may simply settle for a sleek GSM phone that I can be assured will work wherever my airline lands.

Are you concerned about being stuck with a phone that is in the middle of a dispute between two chip companies? Do you GSM instead?

VoIP is dead- Long live VoIP!

30 years from now when historians debate the "age of technology", they will have a laundry list of "in" things for 2007. Mash-ups, Web 2.X, social networking, iPhone (and its clones?) just to name a few.

What they are not likely to have on the list is Voice-over-IP. Is VoIP dead already? Au contraire mon ami. VoIP is about to join another list- those initially ultra hyped technologies that take a such a long time to take hold in the market that we don't realize how pervasive they have become. When we look back, we are likely to say that 2007 was when SunRocket came a tumblin' down, Vonage dusted off their MBA degree and adopted profit as their prime reason d'etre, and VoIP, just dissapeared into the dictionary of arcana while most of us were using it to merrily reach out and touch someone. Perhaps its my faded birth certificate or the number of technology life cycles that I have subjected my body to in the valley... Whatever may be source of inspiration for a nom-de guerre I will evetually adopt, I am secretly glad that at last, a cycle that I have been dreaming, marketing, and selling is truly coming of age.

Read more on the adult life of VoIP at

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Do you linked-in?

Do you linked-in ? I am still in awe in the number people I can reach, get to know, and decide to not know, through linked-in. In case you have not noticed, let me share one other observation. I think linked-in is even more useful for international connections. A few weeks ago, I was trying to connect with folks that I had done some business with in Turkey. I did not expect to see them on the web but did dare a search on Google. Lo and behold, my contacts and at least half of the management layer of his large telecom company were on linked-in.

So, if you are not on linked in, try it now, and link yourself to me...

Double Crash

The wild market gyrations have certainly wrecked havoc on my portfolios- you may say, join the crowd... Interestingly, Jim Cramer (Mad Money) on MSNBC? was tooting his horn in support of tech stocks, saying that this market drop was an opportunity to buy...

A few days ago, Ditech Networks, my previous company, announced an earnings shortfall, estimating that they would reach ~$14.5M vs. a target of $19M. Its hard to contain my disappointment for the wide miss... At the same time, packet product revenues were quoted as reaching $3.2M, the largest ever packet revenue in the history of the company! I am not aware of the composition but, I would guess that it is mostly the Packet Voice Processor. Kudos to the teams who are persevering to deliver the product to market!