Monday, October 3, 2011

Admitting the obvious- Mission Statement Change

Its been a long time coming. I have felt it creeping up on me for several years now. I must confess that admitting this, I thought, would be capitulation. Then I realized that I was already living this in my daily life, so might as well  preach what I practice...

I changed the headline of my blog today from Telecom Life to "Mobility and Cloud Life". The first part is my personal passion. Delivering a seamless experience of a mobile life to people in their personal and work lives, which are more often than not, intertwining. What we care more about it what we do and how it brings value- Personal enrichment, satisfaction, earnings and more. How we do things have often evolved..

We sometimes think that technology has enabled us to do things differently. My personal belief is that technology is simply manifesting our desires and is getting closer to how we really want to experience life in its fullest. Imagine how life was in Paris, Istanbul and New York 100 years ago. The social networks of the time were probably as fast as Linkedin and Facebook of today- within the city limits. The new mobility experiences are simply expanding the geographic reach and keeping the engagements going 7/24. Otherwise, our yearnings to connect are the same as before.

Please enjoy this haunting song performed by Rokia Traore, complements of TED. Only can the global networks and cloud can deliver the emotion of sounds from far away lands so vividly...

More on the Cloud life in a subsequent post.

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