Friday, September 30, 2011

Is Blackberry on the rim?

I was a huge fan of Blackberry devices in the mid 2000's. I had the Pearl- which had a great google maps application that provided excellent directions practically anywhere in the world. The e-mail worked well, and the calendar was usable to conduct business efficienctly while out of the office.

Now, I have all of that and a lot more on my iPhone. I somewhat miss the tactile keyboard since my rate of typing is certainly slower. But I still would not give up the Yelp app, the Amazon App, Evernote, and my huge library of music and podcasts.

Today's Wall Street Journal chronicled the struggle of RIM executives on deciding what their device stood for- business or consumer. This lack of clarity, and a high risk OS transition, appear to be the underlying causes of RIM's malaise.

I think that the solo focus device game is over. Our lives are driven by a seamless mobility experience that assumes an interplay of work and play. Neither can be missing from the services that follow us everywhere we go. There will always be a hard-core group of business only users. However, they are enticed by the infinite choice of apps that Apple and Android offer.

What do you think RIM's chances are for survival in the long term?

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