Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fixed Mobile Convergence- The usual hype Curve

As the hype curve goes, Fixed Mobile Convergence has had its share of hot air generation and the usual VC funding parables.. It looks like the inevitable "come to senses" process in this area of products is with us. The latest casuality of the FMC story (in this case "carrier FMC" ) was Azaire Networks. They shut their doors about a month ago. I had seen their demo- it worked well. It was not clear though as to who whould purchase these products in the carrier space and whether a startup of Azaire's size could survive the long trial, evaluation, business case cycle that a carrier inevitably wil ltake any solution through.

The Azaire team was no doubt smart. They, and countless others like them (including yours truly) who attempt to deliver products for service providers, severely underestimate the long trek to follow to success.

I wish the Azaire team good luck with their next venture.

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