Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mobile Video- the next best thing in Mobile Services?

At the IMS panel last week, the application that was discussed the most was video over mobile networks. The same theme was quite apparent at the 3GSM conference in Barcelona mid February. Is the time approaching where we will all use video telephony to call each other?

Share your thoughts?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I attended the IMS Evolution Summit last week in Coral Gables, Florida, organized by IQPC. Excellent organization, attended by nearly 50 of the who's who in telecom, who are pondering upon the changes being brought by IMS....


#1 IMS is becoming real.... Real in the sense that we are understanding the value it brings- applications, applications applications. At the same time, the industry is re-learning what is becoming deja vu all over again. That is, the transition from legacy networks, whether its it TDM or soft-switch, is one of the largest challenges to overcome.

#2 IMS will be an evolution, not revolution. Beyond the legacy issue, many of the capabilities IMS promised is now becoming available on pre-IMS solutions. IMS now has to offer even more to be able to overcome the natural evolution of the existing systems

#3 Interoperability is making progress, yet is not complete... Results from testing with the Multi-Service forum suggest that basic interop is now mature, while interop at the higher layers needs more time.

Life in the Telecom Valley

My blog is about telecom- the large industry that delivers the reliable voice and other communications to all of us, around the world, 7 by 24...

Life in telecom is taking an interesting turn these days. Convergence between Mobile and wireline networks is changing the once-sacrosanct rules! Read and share your thoughts about this change and how you are in the maelstrom...